Im leavong to never come back
hey kids gotta get milk see you if you get famous.
by the gone dad October 20, 2021
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The term for saggy lactating titties. like so fuckin saggy that they are like drapes for your Vagina. like 190 year old 50 kids titties... your welcome for the visual.
Damn! The Queen had some serious Milk Drapes. Bitch must have been older than the dinosaurs.
by RichTheRedn3ck June 20, 2024
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When you and your mates are smoking out of a bong, and your mate takes the really long hit "milk that bitch" is encouraging words to keep going
Joe: *taking his hit*
Dherron: milk that shit
by The sloth 622 February 29, 2016
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The last thing your father said before he left.

"I am leaving to get the milk." - Your father
Son, I am leaving to get the milk.
by whenimetyainthesuma July 24, 2022
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