the holy trilogy

incorrectly assumed as the original star wars trilogy, the holy trilogy is actually the Spider Man trilogy made by Sam Raimi starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, the greatest superhero trilogy in existence, perhaps only second to the Dark Knight one
Even years after seeing the Holy Trilogy, I can still remember most of the dialogue!!! I am still worthy !!!
by no_user_name_required May 18, 2019
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The Holy Trilogy

Often referred to the original Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007), directed by Sam Raimi. It’s known for being one of the best superhero trilogy, right next to the Dark Knight. Film and Meme Culture is often found in this trilogy.
I just watched The Holy Trilogy, and it’s fucking amazing.
by RockBroccoli101 August 5, 2019
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The Holy Trilogy

Kid Cudi’s first 3 albums: Man On The Moon: The end of day, Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr Rager, Indicud. GOATED Albums
Dude 1: Do you fuck with CUDDER?
Dude 2: yeah man, Day N Night and Pursuit of happiness are classics
Dude 1: Nah bro, everyone knows those songs, go listen to his first 3 albums, they’re the Holy Trilogy.
Dude 2: I thought the rami spider-man movies were the holy trilogy
Dude 1: Fuck that shit homie, This that real shit right here bro. Plus, Andrew Garfield was the better Spidy and Peter Parker anyway.
by LIL R€€$¥ September 5, 2020
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