that's wassup

An term of agreement.
Zan: Yo, I got a 95% in my Event Management Class!
Orande: Oh Word? I got a 95% too!
by Zans May 11, 2006
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That’s wassup

That’s cool
Him: “Yo I got a 100% on my test bro!”

Me: that’s wassup bro!!
by Pyt.pooh April 14, 2020
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wassup then

when black people want to fight they pull up their pants and say "wassup then"
wassup then nigga ill beatcho ass!
by antibacterial soap February 5, 2011
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short form of "what's up"- simplified as a form of greeting, as in "hi."
"hi B.J." "wassup LeRoy."
by T D Olson October 22, 2003
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If you use this work I fucking hate you. How the fuck am I supposed to respond. Do I say tHe SkY or nOtHiNg. If you are a road man can you tell me how to respond to your sayings cause I don’t get them?
Road man: wassup
Amy: whAt
by Cutestbooisamywho?? May 14, 2020
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A Gangster greeting. Another form of the simple "Hi!"
by wafflezpancakez January 16, 2016
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wassup homie!!
by Mukti June 29, 2004
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