thank me later

The thing that people say when they try to be useful but fail
The good part of the video is at 1:06, thank me later
by Creepycat18_YT November 26, 2020
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You'll thank me later

It really does depend on the context/situation.
If someone has done you a favour and you tell them that you don't know how to thank them, they could say: "You can thank me later" in the sense of that you can do them a favour later and help them with something.

If someone does you a favour and you don't thank them for it and don't seem grateful, they may say in a joking or sarcastic way: "You can thank me later" as a gentle or subtle (even unsubtle) reminder that you should be grateful to them.

If someone gives you a word of warning or tips to avoid you getting into a crisis and you think the advice is unnecessary, they might say: "You can thank me later" or "you'll thank me later" in the sense that although you don't take their words/actions seriously now you'll eventually realise that they were right and will be grateful to them - even if you're not grateful now.
by tarik99 February 25, 2017
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You'll thank me later

A phrase uttered by utter wankers.
Nathan: You'll thank me later
Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias: Shut the fuck up, wanka.
by Wankastic November 23, 2010
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You can thank me later

It really does depend on the context/situation.
If someone has done you a favour and you tell them that you don't know how to thank them, they could say: "You can thank me later" in the sense of that you can do them a favour later and help them with something.

If someone does you a favour and you don't thank them for it and don't seem grateful, they may say in a joking or sarcastic way: "You can thank me later" as a gentle or subtle (even unsubtle) reminder that you should be grateful to them.

If someone gives you a word of warning or tips to avoid you getting into a crisis and you think the advice is unnecessary, they might say: "You can thank me later" or "you'll thank me later" in the sense that although you don't take their words/actions seriously now you'll eventually realise that they were right and will be grateful to them - even if you're not grateful now.
by tarik99 February 25, 2017
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Thank me later

I think is like thank me later you know thing is is the opposite of thing for me later this thing
Emmy is like thank me later you know thing is is the opposite of thing for me later this thing
by Marilpoo October 20, 2018
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