
that was un-sucky basketball shot
by SeriousTurtles June 18, 2010
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Rubber Sucky

To get a blowjob from someone whilst wearing a condom.
I got a really good rubber sucky from my girlfriend last night, dude.
by BatteryMaster July 5, 2017
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Sucky situation

The secretion (usually sudden )of milk from a woman's breast and the unease or embarrassment she feels when this happens in public.
Ann was unable to continue her conversation with her friends because she realized her blouse was stained thanks to a sucky situation
by Stosus June 10, 2018
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Sucky My Ducky

To suck someones dick in a playful manner, this word is a alternative to saying Suck My Dick Bitch!
Sucky My Ducky kmp you faggot
by Piktonss January 16, 2019
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Sucky Succ

The most handsome man in the history of humanity.

Some people live in the belief, that his sweat consists of pure THC.
-Help, I am getting unwanted head
-Shut up I'm Sucky Succ
by therealsucc March 20, 2017
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Sucky Fucky

When a male is receiving a blowjob, and is simultaneously getting his ass fingered.
My girl just gave me a sucky fucky, her fingers in my ass made me cum faster.
by Lilmiss69 January 6, 2021
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Sucky uncle

My sucky uncle ate all three bags of my Halloween candies , what an sucky uncle.
by (T) September 11, 2022
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