I like stereo madness
by user72826420238 July 21, 2021
The first level of Geometry Dash and if you have more than 200 attemps and havent completed it stop playing the game.
Stereo Madness is easy
by turtleboifortnite February 3, 2022
by the chewbaca hunter October 15, 2011
1. The Feeling You Have Towards A Person When You Hear A Song With Them; 2. The Person That Inspires You To Write Music; 3. The Person You Think Of While Composing Music.
by DaWonder23 February 20, 2011
A jumbled pronunciation of the word "Scissors", which could easily replace the word itself. Dual-channel cutting.
by Blackfilm October 19, 2010
An octoboyband (#sweg) created on The X Factor Uk, season 11, on which they placed 5th. They were mentored by Louis Walsh. The band consists of Jake Sims, James Graham, Barclay Beales, Casey Johnson, Tom Mann, Reece Bibby, Charlie Jones, and Chris Leonard. #SKAF
by Lazygurl33 March 8, 2015
a lesbian who's interests, appearence and personality are generally congruent with every lesbian cliche/joke ever heard, positive or otherwise. tends to set off everyone and their grandmother's gaydar within a two mile radius. used as an insult.
man, shelly's such a stereo-dyke... she's had the same crew-cut for fifteen years, practically lives in those birkenstocks, coaches the women's softball team, and won't listen to anything that's not ani or the indigo girls.
by dagger_grrl December 10, 2003