
lucas needs to get his ass to sleep.
by mrhammy July 18, 2019
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Sleepy means that someone is ti....zzz
So sleepy... Haugh, mimimimi Haugh, mimimimi...
by Sleepi127 April 11, 2024
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Like tired, but for bottoms.
Guy 1: man, its pretty late. I'm feeling a little sleepy
Guy 2: what are you, a bottom? Just say 'tired'.
by AnonymousMark August 27, 2019
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Sleeplessly sleepy

When you’re exhausted and wanna sleep but you’re having too much fun calling your friends or watching tired
Guy1: I’m so tired, but I don’t want to sleep
Guy2: Sounds like you’re sleeplessly sleepy
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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Sleeplessly sleepy

When you’re extremely tired and want to sleep but you Are having way too much fun calling your friends or watching Netflix.
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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