Q: Who played this music?

A: Shon Motherfucking Olson

Q:How did he make that pool shot? I didn't think that was possible.
A:He is Shon Motherfucking Olson, that's how.
by DannyNoonan89 February 24, 2019
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A rapper who acts big and tough. But secretly has a micro penis.
Hey it’s Roi Shon Lake he’s a total simp.
by Milfslayer847475738 May 3, 2022
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To touch, feel, participate in PDA, or dance a little "too close" to someone regardless of sexual orientation.
"Ive seen her out in public with such a bad attitude I don't want any part of that. Rather have a night out and going shon than deal with an individual like that.

I had a little extra to drink last night after our football match, I hope I didn't go full blown Shon with those lads last night.
by 6 bohrillion June 22, 2017
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Juvenile who wants the best for his self but maybe had a few gimmicks in the past but is now on the road to success
by 38babyShon December 20, 2016
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A random floridian who is really cool, has brown hair, and a big dick.
Oh cool, Shon showed up, we must praise him as he is a god.
by siibrown May 30, 2022
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A really obnoxious person. That gets on your nerves and want to punch her so hard she flies the moon and back. OK good but she make up for it by being beautiful and selfless
Shon-non is a so beautifull
by Slob on my nob corn on the cob February 12, 2018
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