shibby shit

Ah he never goes out alone; he's an awful shibby shite.
I don't think I'm ready to try the roller coaster. .I know I'm 30 but I'm a bit of a shibby shite.
by Smiling ranger September 30, 2013
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Shibby Goat

The embodiment of shibby .. ie a hot girl or guy
Ouch! ... Shibby goat bit me :p
by Fraulein Schmerzen January 27, 2004
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Shibby Trunks

A pair of swim trunks worn when one feels very shibby.
Dude, did you see that girl staring at my shibby trunks?
by Anonymous May 18, 2003
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Shibby Trunks

I am the Shibby Trunks.
by Snarg May 17, 2003
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What you say when you’re a fan of Car Seat Headrest and you don’t have a word for what you’re feeling.
“I was having a great day until the shabba de bop bop be shibby day oh yeah came along
by A European Swallow December 20, 2021
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