
Sharmoota means amazing and magnificent and so good
"Wow, did you look at stacey? she is a sharmoota!"
by AhmadG July 29, 2017
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Referring to a whore or a bitch cunt
by The real MADA February 26, 2018
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A word of endearment, used to describe a woman’s bravery and kindness, one of the greatest honours in the Middle Eastern community
“I’m so proud of you, you’re such a Sharmoota”

“No babe, you’re a Sharmoota”
by Tikitaki March 9, 2019
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sharmoota is an Egyptian expression that means a whore or a prostitute. Commonly known in the whole arabic world.Also known as marwa
by Phatballz123 September 29, 2020
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Hello in arabic e.g. Hi sharmoota man!
Hi Sharmoota!
by K_arxm March 28, 2022
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Sharmut or Sharmoot is the male version of Sharmoota شرموطة which means right, virgen, or pure and is a greatest term used in Arabic .

The male version exists in Arabic, but usually the closest insult would be ibn sharmoota ابن شرموطة or son of a Virgen.

It’s nice language, but I’ve heard it, especially when there’s a traffic hold up and a driver is impatient wanting the car in front of them to move, they’ll sometimes curse at the other driver
by I_TAWFIK August 24, 2021
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