Seedy Settings

Imagine this, You’re with a girl the time is 11pm you’re chilling in her room with a bottle of henny. she starts giving you the eyes. you know it’s about to be seedy settings

Popularly misheard as CD settings
Used famously by UK drill Artist v9 (Homerton)
My friend: Bro how was it last night ?
me : Seedy settings bro, what can i say
by Just_a_simp June 20, 2020
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Seedy gobble

One obtaining a nosh off or blow job from someone in otherwise shady conditions such as on the back seat of a bus or in the boardroom of a fully manned office. Seedy goobles are both risky and dangerous but this only adds to the fun of getting a seedy gobble.
Hey Barron, I was at my old nans on Tuesday redecorating her bedroom. While she was in the next room her best friend pulled my pants down and gave me a seedy gooble

I was on the number 19 on the way home the other day and the missus unzipped my flies and gave me a seedy gobble on the bus!

I once worked in a bar and a well known comedian came in for a few drinks. I ended up giving him a seedy gobble in my car.
by BennyB January 16, 2013
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Seedy Muffin

The seediest of seeds. A guy that is either shady and creepy, or overly affectionate.
*Charley walks down his dorm hall with only a towel on* Girls: "Charley is such a seedy muffin."

Girlfriend: "You are crazy."
Boyfriend: "Yeah I'm crazy...crazy for you!"
Girlfriend: "Please stop being a seedy muffin."
by Rotch the Crotch November 16, 2012
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Seedy Weedies

A gang of teenagers who believe they are so cool that they can fix global warming. Neglected by society, Seedies Weedies define the group of outcasts who unite together to boost their confidence and ego. Seedies Weedies are good people, who make decisions which enforces social suicide. Ultimately, being a Seedy Weedy can mean more than one thing, however one thing’s for sure, they are the shit.
Wow, now he’s a part of the Seedy Weedies for conquering that act of public indecency!
by theshitthatdoesntshitonanyone February 10, 2019
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Seedy Phil

A majestic creature, dwelling around the public school system... can always be found lurking in the back of nice photos looking seedy
by big trevor September 3, 2008
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seedy sunday

The morning/day after a party/get together.
Often used when extremely hungover and and feeling seedy on a sunday.

Drinking on a sunday, the day before school/work makes the sunday seedy.
Whoa last nights party was crazy good, lets hit the goon and have a sunday sesh. SEEDY SUNDAY TAHRU?
by kraijshel August 15, 2010
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Seedy Rich

A seedy office crawler with spring onion hair and a penchant for young/old/any ladies
"There goes seedy Rich stalking his prey!!
by Snoopy Kerr September 2, 2009
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