No Secret Handshake connotes an egalitarian, open-to-all membership policy.
The committee welcomed newcomers, you know, "No Secret Handshake".
by Mr. Fourth of July August 1, 2011
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Refers to members of the less-affluent sector of mall-customers who merely wish to purchase regular groceries and/or household products in bulk, but who do not buy enough yearly volume to justify paying the exorbitant "membership fee" that the "big box" stores like Sam's Club charge. These limited-income folks therefore discreetly approach "enrolled" club-members who have either just arrived at the store or are currently pushing their carts around the aisles, and quietly ask them if they could please also purchase the merchandise that the indigent people want along with the items on their own shopping lists, and then afterwards they all meet back up outside in the parking lot where there are no prying eyes from the store's staff, and the grateful low-income families carefully go over the obliging club-members' store-receipts to total up the costs of the "additionally-purchased" items, and then reimburse the members for the appropriate amounts in cash.
Being a secret shopper can indeed be a great way to save on household-staple items; just watch out for Sam's Club chiselers, however.
by QuacksO July 23, 2018
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absolute god/unit, most annoying thing on planet (almost, the British tiger is more)
my man, what's good Secret Agent DashingDerpyBunny
by SecretAgentDashingDerpyBunny August 20, 2020
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A person who is mysterious but you see them around frequently
See that boy over there he’s a secret to the rain (secret of the rain)
by JJfresh. ; ) March 17, 2018
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