Search lighting

When someone sitting at a stop light starts searching for something moments before the light turns green and doesn't know they can go.
I was late because I was stuck behind someone that was search lighting.
by Boxingbird October 8, 2014
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It goes by many names. "Why are you here", "Why did you search this up", "Why did you search this", etc., and it always ends up in almost every word on It's another way of calling people out looking up weird definitions, but it really doesn't mean much to the reader.
"Why are you searching this?" No, why are you writing a definition for this? Don't you have better things to do? You know DAMN WELL what site you're on.
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ghetto search

reefing to the things people in the ghetto might look up/websites they go to this might be like diy blacked and more
person 1 : ay whats your search history

person 2 :its cheapest DIY projects

person 1 : wow thats such a ghetto search
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search trap

writing vulgar searches on a search engine then writing insults or "tricked you" for the purpose of tricking your friends
writing "porn" on a search engine, then typing p i got you is a search trap
by pranko March 23, 2010
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search washing

Creating a highly publicized and searched bizarre but innocuous event to hide search results for previous highly publicized and searched bad behavior.
Why did Papa John create a tik-tok doing the dougie with pizza and a capuchin monkey?!?
He's search washing from when he said the N-word in a board meeting. He's trying to bury the search visibility for that incident so he can start a new pizza company.
by cynicus maxiumus December 10, 2021
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search washing

Creating a highly searched bizarre but innocuous virally popular event to hide search results for previous highly publicized and searched bad behavior.
Why did Papa John create a tik-tok doing the dougie with pizza and a capuchin monkey?!?
He's search washing from when he said the N-word in a board meeting. He's trying to bury the search visibility for that incident so he can start a new pizza company.
by cynicus maxiumus December 10, 2021
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