search song

A song on your Ipod that you listen to while you scroll through your playlist for a better song. Also, a good fallback in case someone listening to your Ipod with you insults your choice of song.
Girl 1: Hey can I share your Ipod
Girl 2: Of course!
Girl 1: The Best of Both Worlds? Are you kidding me?
Girl 2: Relax, it's just a search song
by indieartfreak August 2, 2009
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sole searching

The act of looking at the bottom of your footwear to examine it for dog feces, gum or other sticky garbage.
After walking through the park where people often walk their dogs, I felt the need to do some sole searching.
by circushead January 23, 2007
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Search History

something you don't show your parents and clear out daily
Mom: Son, what were you doing?
Me: Nothing...
Mom: *Checks history*
Also Mom: Sees images of really bad stuff
Me: *Before mom can get to the worst part*
by somone who is guy June 29, 2021
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dont search this

who in the right mind (or who is bored) would search "don't search this" in the search bar?
wow, dan is such a virgin he searched up... dont search this
by nobody-12 November 25, 2018
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ego search

To perform a search for one's own name, or especially their online nickname, using any search engine on the World Wide Web. -also called ego surfing. See also "googling"
She was mackin on me until I got up and went to my computer and googled our names together and then she told me, "I don't like boys who hafta ego search; that's tired."
by ginger petunia October 24, 2003
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bowl searching

The process of searching a building for an empty bathroom. A successful bowl search typically relieves the frustration of uncomftorably defecating around others, although in less frequent cases the desire to urinate alone is a factor. Bowl searching can be done anywhere although it is most prevelant on college campuses.
"In college I did a lot of bowl searching."

"Sam went to the bathroom like 20 minutes ago. Jeez, what's taking so long?"

"He's probably bowl searching."
by A bowl searcher June 6, 2011
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Cavity Search

Similar to a strip search but instead of being searched on the external parts of your body, cavity searches are searches on the inside of your anus canal. It is common when Police Officers or Border Patrol suspect someone of carrying drugs, weapons, or money inside of their bodies.
Jose: My cousin Santos is an American citizen so he tried to bring Juan to America through the border but the they did a cavity search on Santos and they found Juan inside his ass esse.
by killer_taco June 16, 2008
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