My scary ass couldn't sleep after watching The Exorcist.
by hip counselor November 26, 2016
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" damn nigga, why you acting scary? go talk to that gurl!"
by lil habesha August 4, 2003
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(slang) A slang word that describes how someone is being cowardly to a situation.

adj. A word to describe how frightening, weird, or mess up something or someone was
Example 1:

Guy 1: Yo man I don't know about this. I heard this house was haunted.
Guy 2: Don't be scary, man. Those rumors ain't nothin.

Example 2:

Girl 1: Did you see how scary her makeup was?
Girl 2: Yeah, it was all over her face. She looked like a killer clown!
by AngrenKun April 30, 2018
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To be scared of someone or someting
That nigga looks scary.

Dont be scary you bitch.
by Jay Day March 16, 2008
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allwayz scared bout sumthin
or scared at tha moment
or paranoid
dang man y u so scary
man dat boi scary
by fhifnvjfbvhjfbvhfbgyhef September 6, 2008
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That feeling of anxiety or anxiousness you get after some serious binge drinking. Not to be confused with a hangover, some serious drinking must occur for this to happen, and will typically settle in after the initial hangover. This will usually happen, after a few days of binge drinking.
Dude I drank Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and now I'm dealing with the Sunday Scaries.
by Tobitt January 8, 2017
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Someone who talks a lot of shit but can't back it up. In other words someone who is pure pussy, or just cannot fight
All she do is talk shit, but when someone ask her or tell her to fight that person she don't, she acts scary !
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