To give away the ending of a TV show, film or webisode. A spoiler.
1. Marc rosebuds all the time, last week he gave away the season ending of Heros.

2. He rosebudded the entire plot of No Country for Old Men for me.

3. I'm leaving the room while he's rosebudding.
by Michael Johsson February 10, 2008
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Rosebud is a term that describes the first growth of breasts on a girl.
She's geiitng rosebuds nicely, she'll be fit in a few years.
by Rikstir July 19, 2019
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2 people with prolapsed assholes touch together for a kiss.
Dude I heard Stacy and Gwen totally did a rosebud kiss.
by 2ub0 July 12, 2015
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n: the asshole of a black man or woman that has recently been anally penetrated and therefore looks slightly swollen like a blooming rose or is still tightly closed like a rosebud
Ivan: "Yeah, I fisted Dominic for the first time last night."

Brian: "Oh really?"

Dominic: "Yeah, after we got done, my asshole was like a chocolate rosebud in spring!"
by BTheWordMaker May 16, 2008
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Thorny Rosebud

An asshole that encircled by extremely coarse bung hair.

I walked in the room and she was all the bed, naked, ass up and winking at me with her thorny rosebud. Now I got whisker rash all over muh face!

I just couldn’t bring myself to tongue punch her thorny rosebud.

My uncle snuck in around midnight and took my thorny rosebud to bonetown. We are both a little raw today.
by Dick Onchin October 22, 2020
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