
Denotes any item or idea that is "just right." References Goldilocks and the Three Bears, as in "Not too hot, not too cold, but just right."
"How does that shirt fit?"

"It's porridge, man, totally porridge."
by the business of slang December 2, 2013
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Porridge can mean good or bad but mostly good.
- " you look really porridge today"
by xxxxHannahxxxx March 10, 2009
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when your mate cashes in on life to watch paint dry and suck his missus’ tit.
Jon, you used to be cool now you’re just porridge
by eggbearrice January 16, 2021
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porridge baby

When a woman has that many different males cum inside her, she doesn’t know who the baby’s dad is.
Oh Leah is such a cum bucket. She definitely got her self a little porridge baby.
by Gremlins 22 January 21, 2023
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stir the porridge

When a girl is having sex with more than one male at the same time and the first guy has blown his load inside her, and now it is your turn. As you go at it, you will 'stir the porridge' and be mixing the first guys cum with yours or however many have been before you.
Fellow, you all have had your turn, it is my turn now to stir the porridge
by Dougie1 December 29, 2016
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slut porridge

When a guy ejaculates inside of you and it drips out for hours after.
Oh my god, I've got some major slut porridge running down my leg right now!
by JennyJay September 27, 2010
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Ghetto porridge

When someone heats up milk in the microwave before pouring cereals in.

Also known as paupers porridge
"Hey Jackson I heard money's tight right now. Are you doing ok?"

"Yeah man, things are tight and this morning I had to serve myself up a bowl of ghetto porridge since the heating off but I'll be alright."
by Curare the defenestrator August 18, 2023
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