to drop porridge

To convince others that a false statement is true. Opposite of "to drop knowledge". Origin derived from phrase of a brain turning to mush.
I wanted to drop porridge on a coworker recently, so I told him the word "gullible" isn't actually in the dictionary.
by scooter333 April 25, 2018
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salty porridge

An unexpected turn of events usually involving personality changes
Hannah Montana to current day miley. 'Miley is on the next level of salty porridge I don't fancy that shitzzel for my breakfast
by Checkmate September 27, 2015
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Porridge boy

Means a male that is a pussyhole, basically doesn't fight nor stand up for himself
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To insert unnecessary chaos into a situation. To escalate matters. To absolutely wreck someone's entire world possibly forever.
Fred: Just don't mention her ex-boyfriend when you talk to her. You'll just stir the Norwegian's porridge.

Jake: Got it. The last thing I want to do is to make a scene.
by benlulz January 23, 2021
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Creamy Porridge

When you get fucked so hard in the pussy that chunky white lumps of cum ex cremates from the vagina
"fuck you darling you made my cunt into a creamy porridge"
by fuckmetillibleed March 3, 2017
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