Yet another technique the government uses in order to separate the human race into different groups and gain control of the population.
elite: Look at those foolish Americans. They'll believe whatever bullshit we shove in their faces. America is already more separated than it ever was before and all we had to do was make up 2 different sides for people to join and have them believe that the other side is the enemy. I love politics
by Dubiks March 20, 2019
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The art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly,and applying the wrong remedies
republicans suck
democrats suck
by ZQ December 10, 2005
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niceness. saying the words "thank you" "excuse me" and "please".
don't be rude; be polite.
by tanyawesome August 28, 2008
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A stupid game where
a. A totalitarian assbag kills millions in the name of "the Nation"
b. Two groups of wealthy assbags argue about cell phones and censorship while trillions of dollars of debt is considered unimportant

The only similarity between the two is that either way, the citizens lose.
USA; China; 20th century Germany, Russia, and Italy; Greece; France, all are nations, all involve politics, no regular citizens win.
by UnfuckTheWorld November 18, 2011
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The best way to divide a country.
Countries such as the United States have become divided due to politics and ideology.
by Black Kat August 23, 2009
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