1. Reference in "Nardwuar vs. Cardi B" at 9:25 min
"I want to tell the people out there that thank you for supporting me. And if you don't, suck my dick and I know you think because I'm a women, I don't have a dick. BUT I have a pink dildo in my dresser" - Cardi B
"I want to tell the people out there that thank you for supporting me. And if you don't, suck my dick and I know you think because I'm a women, I don't have a dick. BUT I have a pink dildo in my dresser" - Cardi B
by FATEYEBROWS June 27, 2018
by DangerousNonce6 July 7, 2021
by Xerts March 5, 2022
Pink Dildo Stand djkgog;'lbsk'b;lnrt';lgfdokjhgc
by quartz89 February 11, 2022
Pink Dildo Stand
by quartz89_alt February 10, 2022