A middle class young woman who has yet to learn life's hard lessons, and attaches to Obama the way she attached to boy band rock stars. A political groupie who is on an adventure before she is forced out into the real world.
by benth April 28, 2008
A girl who thinks that by producing contentless videos showing off her (admittedly) attractive body in a superheroine costume will woo voters into voting for Obama. Sadly, it seems to be working on most non-thinking idiots.
A prime example of the shallow minds of most Americans today.
A prime example of the shallow minds of most Americans today.
Please explain why you support Obama, Obama girl. Just because you have a "crush" doesn't mean he's a good presidential choice.
by Steven Edwards May 12, 2008
Amber Lee Ettinger aka Obama Girl has got a crush on Obama, but I have a crush on her and her beautiful ass! Ahem... I mean assets*
by metallkidd93 March 27, 2008
Obama's bitch, that fake isn't just a homo and a drug pusher, he's also a pimp. Instead of using her body to make some jerk off material she makes just a shitload of lame YouTube obama vids. That ho is expired anyway, probably has AIDS too.
by Phoenix777 June 17, 2009