Jerk my Meat

Making jerky, either traditionally through natural dehydration, a forced air and heat dehydrator, a stove, or smoker. Most commonly beef jerky, and with a good blend of flavors and spices.
I can't go anywhere today becasue it takes 7 hours to jerk my meat.
by Stevr13 February 7, 2018
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Drink My Meat Marinades

When you are giving a man a blowjob, he may use this term to signify that he wants you to swallow his semen.
A woman(or man) is giving a man a blow job. The man receiving the blow job cums in her(or his) mouth and he says "Drink my Meat Marinades"

Ghalleon - "Drink my meat marinades. Guzzle it down."
The maiden then swallows Ghalleon's semen.
by Rin Oletee March 31, 2013
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I beat my meat

Man my dicks hella sore I beat my meat for too long last night.
by Dab a Ranch May 4, 2017
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Get off my meat

This phrase is used when some one is really bothered by another person and wants him/her to leave him alone.
Greg-Yo wanna go play again today.

Steve-Yo y u always around me get off my meat.

Greg-Yo ma bad
by Noah Nwachukwu June 24, 2006
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My Cows My Meat

“My Cows My Meat” refers to the ideology of one having ownership over the meat of his/her cows. This motto is not only terrible, but is also extremely unfunny. Any pathetic person who uses this figure of speech should be banished from society forever.
Kirk: “I swear it will be funny this time”
Sheen: “No it won’t”
Kirk: “My Cows My Me-“
by sandwichofchicken March 31, 2021
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hop off my meat

Often used when a person is getting bothered and he wants to fuck off by saying "hop off my meat". Same as "get off my meat" but hop sounds more danker.
That one annoying friend: Hey what are you doing on your phone?
Bothered person: Bruh why you always following me and asking stupid ass questions. Hop off my meat bruh.
That one annoying friend: Chill bro sorry.
by hopoffmymeat February 18, 2016
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