A small, skinny, attractive girl who you could wear on your back, and then swing her around front in order to have sex with her at will.
by Marcc April 13, 2007
1. From the Root word monkeyA rare female monkey that lives in the trees of urban areas.
A:Typically will make you laugh your head off if you start a conversation with her.
3. A Carnival Queen currently married to the Snake Man one tent over in most carnivals.
A:Typically will make you laugh your head off if you start a conversation with her.
3. A Carnival Queen currently married to the Snake Man one tent over in most carnivals.
I don't know how I have lived with out knowing Monkey Girl.
I feel the Monkey Girl inside of me calling me to go climb a tree!
I feel the Monkey Girl inside of me calling me to go climb a tree!
by Monkey Girl February 17, 2005
My wife wanted a new nick name. I told her lets name you Monkey girl fuck Slave after she gave me head while she hung her head over the side of the bed. Kind of like skull fucking but on a different level.
by DAX December 26, 2012