Mirror pronouns are often used by people that are comfortable with any pronouns, but prefer for you to use your own pronouns when talking about them.
A: I use mirror pronouns.
G: What's that?
A: I means you use your pronouns for me.
G: oh ok cool!
She/her (X uses she/her pronouns)
X: She was having a great time at the wedding, she was so fun to be around.
He/him (G uses he/him pronouns)
G: Look at him, he's winning the game!
They/they (H uses they/them pronouns)
H: They should be fine with the birthday party.
It/its (T uses it/its pronouns)
T: It should be here soon, don't worry, it won't forget to come.
Xe/xem (O uses xe/xem pronouns)
O: I told you xe would like ice cream, but no, now xer sad. Look what you did!
G: What's that?
A: I means you use your pronouns for me.
G: oh ok cool!
She/her (X uses she/her pronouns)
X: She was having a great time at the wedding, she was so fun to be around.
He/him (G uses he/him pronouns)
G: Look at him, he's winning the game!
They/they (H uses they/them pronouns)
H: They should be fine with the birthday party.
It/its (T uses it/its pronouns)
T: It should be here soon, don't worry, it won't forget to come.
Xe/xem (O uses xe/xem pronouns)
O: I told you xe would like ice cream, but no, now xer sad. Look what you did!
by Nopenopeinope October 2, 2021