Language, as with many forms of complex communication, is linear. Its use and context establish tone (the attitude in which the author conveys), with the logical expectation of consistent perpetuation. When one exhibits an unanticipated deviation from the aforementioned parameters, such that its register, dialect, and/or vocabulary is at a significant distance from that previously employed, its effect can best be described as being "totally fucking weird"
This is also known as being "sophisticated as hell"; however, linguistics prefer to call it "linguistic dissonance".
This is also known as being "sophisticated as hell"; however, linguistics prefer to call it "linguistic dissonance".
"In the immortal words of Ayn Rand, STFU n00b." ~ A common variation of the sort of linguistic dissonance that one becomes acquainted with when "debating" on 4chan.
by Ἀπολλύων October 21, 2016
A codeman for a that can walk the walk and talk the talk with the best of the best. His codeman is usually mistaken for a sexual act or being a person that has sex in his mind but in reality refers to his ability to talk himself out of trouble or talk himself into convincing or fooling the ordinary person. A cunning linguist has a lot of confidence in what he says and does, keeps his word, and cuss someone out when mad. Other traits that define a cunning linguist being a smartass, bragging, and being witty.
by The Notorious Robbie G October 29, 2011
by PauliePoo May 31, 2006
Someone who writes definitions on urban dictionary all day long. You don't need a diploma to be an urban linguist.
Guy in a suit: So what was your previous occupation?
Kevin: I worked part time as an urban linguist.
Guy in a suit: You're hired!
Kevin: I worked part time as an urban linguist.
Guy in a suit: You're hired!
by EuroChemist November 1, 2017
by PauliePoo May 31, 2006
Considering getting my requisitional conjunctive archives being published in the foreseeable future. However, having difficulty trying to explain to the publishers just what the archive of conjunctive historical values around linguistic alchemy and other concepts as well as past and possible future policies actually is about!
by Superbot1106 July 6, 2011
by Maltido March 22, 2016