Ethnicity of Hispanic or Latin culture with a lighter shade of skin color almost white
Damn you are so sexy

Oh really

Yeah you must be one of them light skinned Mexicans

Lmao you are fuckin funnyyy
by Puffy vagina serum December 14, 2022
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When you are undergoing your light-skin arc. Similar to character development but with light-skins.
Mike:”Bro I thing I’m going through my light-skin arc
Jake:”what do you mean my boi?”
Mike:”my inner light-skin is coming out”
Jake:”oh no bro
by yessir01 June 6, 2022
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A trait & behavior exhibited by light skin women who think just because they're light skin, they're superior & better than everyone else.
They often have inflated egos, stink attitudes, are very obnoxious & arrogant & have the personality of a brick wall. It is said you should avoid these women even if they're really good looking since it's not worth the stress & headache.
Mike: this light skin girl I'm talking expects me to run her down like I'm a dog

Marcus: she has chase me because I'm light skin syndrome. Ediat girl that, lock it off bro
by Arron j smith March 8, 2023
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Someone that may look white but they’re not actually white
Guy 1: “Look at Levi the white boy”
Guy 2: “He ain’t white, he’s just light light skinned
by Captian Dizzy September 29, 2021
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a lightskin is a mix of two races they can say the n word to
by nazzy13 October 17, 2022
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A fully black person with light olive to medium brown skin complexion.
I’m fully black just turned out light skin tho
by Shimone February 28, 2022
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