A mathematical equation for calculating what physique means for a woman- ass•boobs/shape=physique
Evan: Hey Dan, I just used kyles law to determine that ur girl is mind. Dan: I literally hate you Evan 😑
by Mr.Napkin May 22, 2023
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This law applies if you destroy the enemy team by a huge score discrepancy, the law indicates that your next game will leave you to be terribly destroyed.
Guy 1: dang, North Academy won the first map 16-1, and got rekt 16-0 on the next map.
Guy 2: that's the law of chef for ya m9
by lennyface May 26, 2017
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You have Working age Gambling age porn age voting age vaping age age of Consent school age Leaving school age age of Criminal Marriage age Smoking age Drinking age Coming of age age of Majority age of puberty
Why is the age laws that away?
by 459395 March 6, 2022
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A scientific law explicitly stating that all members of the female race shall be unable to be sexually attracted to any man who has full autonomous control of their eyebrows. This does not hold true for any relationship that remains at a platonic level, such as friendships, or even jogging buddies. Predates his first law of gas, grass, or ass: no one rides for free
Player 1: Man, that dude's eyebrows are going everywhere! he's even doing the wave!

Player 2: He probably suffers from veselekov's zeroth law
by veselekov October 14, 2012
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"The better something tastes and/or the more filling it is, the worse it is for you." (Well, duhhh...!) Similar to when you are given a spoonful of medicinal syrup and it tastes absolutely terrible, and so you figure that it MUST be good for you. (And of course, that may indeed be true sometimes, but I wonder if a lot of times it's merely somewhat of a placebo effect --- your body just hurries up and gets well so that it doesn't hafta stomach the tortures of gagging down any more of that horrid bitter/sour elixir!)
I love rich sumptuous foods like burgers and fries, but my hippie-guru doctor put me on a diet of yucky-tasting bean sprouts and tofu --- talk about a classic case of Murphy's Law of Food-Flavor!
by QuacksO September 5, 2019
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Any competitive game(or lobby) that can have smurfs, will have smurfs.

Smurfy's law describes the fact that in any game where players compete, and the game has any kind of matchmaking system, there will be high level players that deliberately place into lower levels so they can more easily win.
Person 1: Man, I play this game for fun and to relax. I can't believe there are people smurfing in casual!

Person 2: You know how it is. Smurfy's Law.
by Isuldor Nagan February 7, 2021
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