Something glowing that all bugs enjoy, especially Moths. It's a free one night hotel for when they break into your house somehow. Some die and some live but they all love lamps.
by AdamDennxxx September 27, 2018
by beanballz April 30, 2010
(noun). A lamp is someone who is allowed to be at your bedside in times of need(or otherwise), but is not allowed to be in your bed with you. Basically, a lamp is a close friend who will always be in the friend zone.
by N & Nothing Else November 15, 2016
by VAKI5 October 23, 2003
by jaksf February 9, 2010
Acronym for "long ass meaningless post" in a forum. People posting opinons in a forum that are off topic, and continue forever.
I hate LAMP
-That would be a typical reply you would see in a forum topic, that is off topic and/or overly dicussed.
-That would be a typical reply you would see in a forum topic, that is off topic and/or overly dicussed.
by Scott June 19, 2006
Another name for a large family. Usually Lampe families are associated with the Eastern sea board and they are typically mostly male. Lampe family girls are considered unattainable.
by CheesePlease September 5, 2012