Fidelity Investments

A company that helps the rich get richer and overwhelmingly promotes tall white men and stereotypically attractive white women while passing over many minority candidates equally or better qualified
Fidelity Investments managed thousands of IRAs for rich white fucks
by D Flawless November 12, 2021
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Investment Rawdog

When you have no problem having having sex with a girl without a condom on because her family is well off. hit it with no rubber on?! She's not even that cute, what are you thinking??!! "Bro her dad owns a multi million dollar company, it was an investment Rawdog!
by JimmyGrawdogger May 18, 2018
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Results-Based Investment

Abbreviated: R.B.I.; An approach to investing where an individual offers to invest, or donate, money, resources, and or provide information to a business or organization, but before the organization can get anything from the investor, they are given some objectives by the potential investor who expects them to make significant progress towards completing them and or complete some of them by a certain point in time before they are willing to invest or donate in their organization or business
Results-Based Investment can be a very useful tool for various individuals and or organizations working to promote social change in society, because it allows them to pressure certain businesses and organizations into taking certain stances on specific social issues and or change policies that are harmful and or unreasonably discriminatory against certain populations.
by Vanguard 1998 March 8, 2021
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Something that at first was a good investment(or buy) But then over time it fucks up(without prior mention from publishers or creators)And it makes you question, "Why Did I Get This?", "Had I Knew This Shit Earlier I Would Not Had Got This" or "They Should Have Fixed This Before Releasing This?" Thous Making It a Mis-Investment
Person 1: Damn, Should Have Not Gotten Black Ops, Was a Total Mis-Investment -_-
Person 2: Why's That?
Person 1: Because It Be Fuckin Up, Be Glitchin Like a Motherfucker
Person 2: So!!!
Person 1, They Should have fixed this shit before i got it, It's a Mis-Investment
by Tarif 91 January 25, 2011
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