Acronym for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the brach of the United States Government burdened with the responsibility of treating non-Americans who wish to become Americans like inorganic garbage in a demoralizing form of torture commonly known as immigration. This despite the fact that all Americans as the world knows it are in fact descendants of immigrants themselves. Note that those that figure out how to enter and reside in America without going through this process are rewarded with prizes like welfare and food stamps paid for by generous hard working tax paying Americans, while those that opt for immigration are made to wait years and years filling out expensive forms, untangling miles of red tape and enduring the vicious, dehumanizing abuse of immigration and/or consulate officals. see also purgatory.
Why border-jump and immediately freeload off taxpayer money for the rest of your non-English speaking life when you can instead go through years of INS?
by themarcuscreature February 21, 2005
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Likes to be naughty in the bedroom, she's a sexy and witty gal that will most likely date a Henry or a William. She loves to mess with boys feelings as a fun hobby of hers .
You're so sexy, you're just like an Ines ;0
by Veronica&Betty July 25, 2018
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Inelis is a person who never gives up a person who is beautiful, strong, and if you hurt any of her friends she'll whip ya but she also enjoys hanging out with friends, learning new things, and be active. Shes very sarcastic and very brave. So if you get ahold of a inelis gild in to her and she'll make you happy.
Inelis is (amazing) i dont wanna lose her a (friend)
by Mancky March 8, 2018
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A miracle, someone that you'd regret not being around, the name means to make someone loneliness cease, she's everything, and somehow, without her, nothing makes sense, golden hair like the sun rays, eyes that smile, she's so f***ing special, i wish i was special.
Ines, i'm sorry for everything, my guitar strings break and I can change them, but you're the only pick I ever want to hold.
by Despair jack March 14, 2022
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Ine is a Norwegian witch. She is also friends with an amazing girl.
Oskar: Who is that?
Sui: That is Ine, she is a witch.
by suiislide November 11, 2019
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To "in" an embarrassing gay or lesbian person; the opposite of outing someone. To try to hide that they are GLBT because they are so conservative, usually employed as shock jocks or twisted journos.
"Did you hear that Alan Jones was gay?"
"Shut your mouth! We're inning that loser!"
by Kentoonist September 30, 2012
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Ines is a brown haired girl who has a sharp jawline and she's veri Kool
A- look at that Girl
B- Yeah she's very Ines
by Imsokool December 16, 2019
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