stupid dam fucking idiot

stupid dam fucking idiot
;zsdhaowkdwastupid dam fucking idiot
by vkd;zkcz;ksc'pakcp March 25, 2019
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This word is used to mock someone after playing a prank or trick on them, it is intended as a joke, but calls you a dumb idiot.
A: "GET IDIOTED IDIOT!" Person A said after Person B said something stupid
by RayIsBoredOnGoogle April 13, 2020
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A person who tries to use the shell of an egg as a hat.
Child: "Mom look at my new hat!"
Mother: *cocks shotgun*
Mother: "No son of mine is an eggshelled-idiot."
by Hamino999 November 3, 2021
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idiot classmates.

Something when your classmates are asains and they don’t know how to calculate 1+1. IDOIT CLASSMATES
Ah these fucking idiot classmates.doesn’t even fucking know how to calculate 1+1, fuck him.
by Fartnite_kidpro88 September 27, 2021
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Idiot bones

Slang used in the description of a moronic action or person.
"Damn man, that boy actin' straight idiot bones with that attitude."
by ColdHeretic April 8, 2017
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