Quote from Billy Madison mispronouced form of saying High school

No hike involved
3rd Grader: How's high school Billy?
Billy Madison: High school is great. I'm learning new things and everyone is really nice.
3rd Grader2: Gee, I can't wait till I get to hike school.
Billy Madison: (grabs 3rd grader's face and shakes it violently) Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here. Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it. You have to cherish it.
by Bob La May 19, 2008
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Honey, I'm Goin' hiking on the appalacian trail! These senate sessions are just wearing me out.
by SammyNyc July 10, 2009
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An urban hike is an outdoor activity that consists of walking long distances, usually with a backpack, in urbanized outside environments, often following sidewalks, concrete bike paths, paved roads with the objective of arriving at destinations of shopping, dining or other entertainment.
We took an six mile urban hike today that included a fine lunch and a stop at the bookstore.
by pcb006 January 17, 2012
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when your trying to hitchhike but you point the middle finger instead so they could see it better since the middle is longest
bitch hiking = oopsies.
by this isnt sam November 21, 2020
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(n.) Where two masculine gay or bisexual men, often closeted, meet for some outdoor physical activity such as hiking or surfing, followed by the consumption of beer, with the understanding that they will have sex in the course of the day.
I asked Tim if he wanted to go for a hike and a beer but I wonder if he really knew what I meant.
by Perspective July 5, 2003
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n. A North Carolina State tradition that takes place on the last Friday of the school semester (the week before exams). Participants include current students, alumni and their guests. The event begins at Players Retreat and with the purchase of an alcoholic beverage at every location on Hillsboro Street and unofficially ends at PB's or at the hiker's discretion.
"Hey man! Are you studying for exams Friday night since they start on Monday?" "What? Do you think I go to UNC? I'm goin on the Hillsborough Hike!!"
by projectpatt02 December 8, 2006
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Going on the pull but being very blatant about it (see hitch hiking)
Me and Steve are going pussy hiking tonight, going to pull a right sort,
by mitch00uk April 8, 2015
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