A girl/guy from a persons home town whom they "hook up" with in their home town when away from their current place of living (specifically in reference to returning to a parents home from college)
I'm going to home this weekend I hope my home town hero Samantha is there so we can slam
by jkirby2 July 24, 2011
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A string of successful outcomes in a person’s life that make people believe that the person can do no wrong. Someone who is constantly “winning” at life. Kanye West, Kanye, Heros Journey, Winning, President Donald Trump, Trumper, Trumpism, Make America Great Again, Trump army, Trumpnado, Trumpestuous, Charlie Sheen, tiger blood, Kim Kardashian, Kimye, Trump trounce, bigly, biggly, Trump armor, the Orange King, 45
I’m on my own hero’s journey-I’ve got a beautiful girlfriend, a new job on Wall Street and I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m winning big time!
by joecoolthefool October 12, 2018
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A very underrated kick ass song by Metallica
Song meaning: This song from Metallica’s third album is an anti-war song. It is one of the most intense songs Metallica has ever written, with certain sections performed at 220 beats per minute.

The lyrics tell the story from the point of view of a soldier on the battlefield who receives orders from his general to keep fighting, no matter how many will die. The general believes his soldiers are merely expendable tools.
Disposable Heroes is the most kick ass song by Metallica
by Bluescar July 10, 2023
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