Heart Eyes Howell is the name given to danisnotonfire/Dan Howell when he looks lovingly at his best friend and flatmate AmazingPhil/Phil Lester. The two are also shipped as Phan.
Person One: OMG! Did you see the new DanandPhilGAMES video? SO CUTE!
Person Two: OMG yes! Dan was staring at Phil so much. Such Heart Eyes Howell action!
Person Two: OMG yes! Dan was staring at Phil so much. Such Heart Eyes Howell action!
by CNS2004 February 5, 2017
When bear (danny/d-slice,phil trash number 1) looks into his boyfrriend philly's eyes and sets every fangirls heart on fire :))
by idek yno just leave me be April 13, 2018