verb:// Filling all usable space in an object.
Evan's mom, at the bingo hall next to Taco Shack, hooked up with Carlos and Juan. They went went back the rent by the hour hotel and had Mexican U-Haul with all of Juans' friends.....2 in the front, 15 in the rear.
by Crypto Jesus October 5, 2021
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U-Haul lesbian but for genderqueer people. The U-Haul lesbian or U-Haul syndrome is a stereotype of lesbian relationships referring to the idea that lesbians tend to move in together after a short period of time.
My friend is such a V-Haul with their new partner. They just met each other last weekend and they’re already moving in together.
by Vesposito March 23, 2023
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A strong, independent woman who can do everything herself, until it is time to rent a U-Haul (or move furniture, shovel snow, make repairs, or any other type of demanding physical labor)
Friend 1: She really is doing it all on her own and invited me over for the party. But she also asked me to come early to shovel my driveway so people could park there.

Friend 2: Fucking, U-Haul feminists
by Hank Panther May 31, 2023
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Shit tony hair and josh brewer can’t do
we’re hauling brush, we get paid by the yard, not by the ton!!
by 81489178327817 September 30, 2020
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Another way to say hauling ass, normally for people too afraid to swear in front of their parents.
Man, as soon as I walked in the classroom, all the girls were hauling oats to the bathroom. Must have been the way I smell.
by WumboManDLX July 16, 2022
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the vary last haul given to a joint before its roached where you toke till you choke.
"yo this joints burnin my fingers im givin it a glory haul then roachin it."
by cronicblunt420 August 4, 2009
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