A mamal derived from the ancient Siberian squirrel, today is a most commonly lovable pet. Most hamsters are highly trained and their squirrel like qualities are sharpened. Even though they tend to take an appearance of a mouse, their from type is the Siberian white squirrel.
by Ariel1 March 5, 2018
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A Hamster is someone you think is the greatest- until you get to know them.

You put all your hopes and dreams into this fantasy of a person, but really you're just spinning your wheels in place and an actual future with them is non existent (like a hamster on a wheel- get it?).
"What happened to that guy you've been gushing about?"
"Oh, Tom? Yeah, he turned out to be a hamster."
by TheBookofJo September 13, 2022
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Let’s go Watch Squid Game my little Spit Hamster
by J-Squizzy October 20, 2021
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Hamsters doing sexual acts in front of a camera. Which is submitted into hamster hub.
Madi does hamster porn for a living because it amuses her. Love you madi 😝
by Spider lashes for life June 13, 2022
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When three or more males tape a Hamster to a pole, then violently have sex with it .until it dies/falls apart
Dude, Hamtaro would be so great for a hamster blowout.
by shit on a shingle September 17, 2012
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