
Basically hate because, h sound and then 8 sound...
by haiimkindasmart December 10, 2019
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i h8 you so much u piece of shit
by Anonymous November 23, 2002
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A very undesirable emotion; not cool to have.
Don't h8!
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 28, 2003
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Phonetically equivalent to "hate"; implies some level of love or ambivalence towards the subject alongside actual hate. Can often be a synonym of "annoyed by"
I h8 that I'm attracted to men (I like men, but I'm annoyed that I like men)
by btex April 16, 2022
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It's the short from for hate usually used in chatrooms.
I h8 you man,Fuck you!
I h8 you too,u stupid fuck!
by Dragonom March 12, 2009
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the word hate but there is a letter in it
by gggghhhhfajsdlkasd January 19, 2011
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writing h8 instead of hate is a sign of being a lazy freak.
by dref said right June 11, 2004
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