1.verb, to move your hips back and forth causing your balls to clap against your upper crotch region and your shoal

2.a swigging action where your balls come in contact with your frontal regions and your butt
1.) Dude what are you doing? the golf clap man...

2.) My hoe didn't want to do anything with me that bitch, so I golf clapped that bitch in her eyes,that bitch got two black eyes now...

by scubasam09 February 21, 2007
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golf clap (gawlf klap)


a person (typically of female sex) that does not reciprocate in the act of fornication. i.e. a chick that simply lays on her back while you plow her. coincidentally, a "golf clap" is as worthy of its moniker as an "applause" would be of its own.
"It's like when you clap your hands; You don't move just one hand, you move both of them... Unless it's a golf clap."

"She was definitely a 10 until I took her home and found out she was a golf clap."
by Evee123zy June 7, 2009
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A Sexually Transmitted Disease afflicting overpaid golfers located primarily on the scrotum. (See: Tiger Woods)
Man, I got so much skank ass this past weekend in vegas I think I'm coming down with the Golf Clap. I can't stop scratching my balls!
by Butt Rustler October 22, 2010
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This is what you do whenever you have to have sex really quietly.
I had to golf clap them cheeks with my girlfriend last night, or her roommate might have woken up.
by Undo Hajiban September 28, 2020
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A VD many golfers get.
Every golfer that fucked her got the golf clap.
by Solid Mantis April 13, 2019
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In a Golf Foursome, one player is teeing off and the three other players go behind the tee-box and pull down there pants to moon, while smacking there ass with hands creating a clap after the player has hit the ball. The unsuspecting player turns around thinking it's an applause to only see butt cheeks mooning him/her.
My friend was driving from the tee-box while three others were performing a Mexican Golf Clap.
by mhawke69 July 27, 2015
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