Someone who claims every genre of everything is their absolute favourite over everything else, obsessing over it, while secretly having several other genres on the side.
Pete, the genre slag, claimed Nirvana were his favourite band. 10 minutes later, he revealed The Beatles were the best band of all time. Before declaring himself a huge fan of The Spice Girls. Then that he'd always been into drum and bass.
by Skipster3001 January 19, 2020
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When one forces a specific genre of any platform of media on another human.
"Listen to my death metal, peasant!"
"No! this is genre rape!"
by Alius The Wordsmith March 6, 2017
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RPG doesn't actually mean "Role-Playing game" it actually stands for "Redneck Porn Game".
"WOW, I really love this RPG (videogame genre), Fallout New Vegas , very fun, 10/10."
by Dylan = Hasbulla June 18, 2021
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A genre for books in which there is a goal that the protagonist must fulfil. Mostly this goal is completed with a long hard quest. There is lots of emotion on the mission but the protagonist always wins. This genre usually consists of lots of action and sometimes violence. Adventures are mostly fiction and can have magic which is both good and bad. Adventure books are usually very busy with the plot line being very fast.
by posidensnipples January 10, 2021
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Somebody who is obsessed with categorizing music into possibly meaningless sub-genres.
'Man have you heard their new album?'

'What the new neo-progressive oldschool semi-ambient inta-beat trance footstep dubplate album they released?'

'Man your such a genre basher that doesn't even make sense!'
by SuburbanDan November 22, 2011
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Cool genre! Only samppa can do samppa genre!@holycucci
What this genre?

Its samppa genre!!!
by Who nkows July 31, 2019
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