Taking a Gravity Bong hit or using a Gravity Bong.
"Yo, wanna come over and take some GB's?"

"I took like 1 GB out of that 2 liter and I was baked!"

"Lets go take some GB's"
by Random00 July 13, 2006
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gravity bongs; using a water bottle that has a hole at the bottom with a piece on top to hold weed on the lid. you essentially burn a hole at the bottom of the bottle, cover it with your finger & fill ‘er up with water, place the piece that holds the weed on top & light it while uncovering the bottom hole so that the water pouring out pulls the smoke. once the bottle is filled, take the piece off & inhale the smoke.
bro 1: “yo dude let’s go hit some gb’s before my mom gets home”
bro 2: “ohh shit ight
by succkmydicck November 11, 2018
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I think Karl is gay, I heard he had GBS with Jake.
by Bry Man11 May 15, 2009
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Dude those girls didn't even drink last night, it was lame. Yeah it was gbs to the max!
by theocking May 21, 2008
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ex: at the party last night me and paige were GBs
by splitdodge22 November 28, 2010
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