An underground classic since its first publication in 1996, Fight Club is now recognized as one of the most original and provokitave novels ever published. Chuck Palahniuk's darkly funny first noivel tell the story of a man with no name(refered to as jack), and his journey through a small part of his life, a small part of his life that has somthing to do with a girl, named marla singer, and a man named tyler durden, through out the story his ultimate goal is to hit rock bottom, in his words, if you wake up in a differant tima and a differant place, can you wake up as a differant person?
One morning there is a dead jellyfish of a used condom floating in the toilet.
this is how tyler meets marla
by boppyn be bopp, bieoch March 21, 2004
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One of the most ate up movies I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was a great movie, however.
"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
by Not Zane September 10, 2004
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A movie/book that is over-used and often misunderstood. This book shows how most of the world is obsessed with consumer products. The movie is not about beating each other senseless for fun, and it is not about the rules and those who are out there writing definitions reciting the rules are just douchebags. The movie is not REAL. It is a MOVIE. Tone down your imaginations and get over it. However, the point the movie makes is a valid and mostly overlooked point that everyone should consider.
"Fight Club was a movie that revolutionized the minds of space monkeys everywhere."

"I know that movie! *starts to recite the rules*"

"The movie isnt about the Fight Clubs you poseur douchebag. Stfu."
by Senada July 27, 2005
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Jack: Hey so what's fight club?
by ecFTW December 5, 2016
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The inspiration for the website cakefarts: Brad Pitt's banter on the merits of breaking wind in a meringue in the movie is widely recognized worldwide as setting a trend among his cohorts of female fans.
The enormous popularity of Fight Club at the box offices can be attributed to the fact that dozens of Brad Pitt female fans decided to test for themselves what it's like to pass gas in pastries, setting the stage for the viral shock video "cake farts".
by Dick Peter Johnson-Suarez July 19, 2011
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A. A movie that encourages you to ponder deep thoughts and question rebellion and corporatism.

B. A sick movie that makes you wanna kick some ass dude it was so cool when he like said you don't talk about fight club.
Fight Club is a commentary on anarchy.
Fight Club is bad ass.
by FloydFan1975 May 27, 2010
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Definition in unknown to common world because Members never talk about Fight Club.
by kingjt13 February 18, 2009
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