a trippy optical effect by which a bright light is shined through a tanslucent spinning plate with scattered color tinting wich reflects the light through a series tiny hollow tubes emitting strobe light like effects at the ends of the tubes. Tiny changing lights used in decorations and christmas trees.
Holy shit, those are some trippy fiber optics.

I have to get that decoration with the fiber optics or i'll run over the neighbor's cat in spite.
by B+ November 30, 2003
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fiber optic cable is a glass or plastic cable carrying information by light energy rather than an electrical signal as with copper cables is used for main net work hubs and by customers businesses and institutions
phone and internet companies are now upgrading their copper cables to fiber optic cables and are now offering fiber optic phone and internet service to customers businesses and institutions
by littlejimmie March 12, 2019
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A biological enhancement to a wiener that allows the user to ejaculate at a high rate of speed
I just got my fiber optic wiener installed and now I can ejaculate across the room!
by TallBoyBen April 10, 2021
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U have 2 fiber end. Put them in machine. Machine says beep. Now you got no fiber ends and a neckbeard who can stream lotr in 4k.
Splicing (Fiber Optics), for example "Today I spliced 96 Fibers in a roadside cabinet."
by dj_ordje March 29, 2021
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A kind of shitposting where you play sad music in the background and record someone saying something and then you cutoff the last part where they say a noun and flash a picture of said object and have them repeat it in a pitched down version
This is my favorite computer. *Image of a computer*, computer *in a low pitch voice*.

Ahh the classic fiber optic cable core.
by Humorescence June 30, 2024
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