fake gay

a male who pretends to be gay so he can hang out with girls to get laid.
guy 1: did u here about jimmy getting some ass last night?

guy 2: no, i thought he was gay

guy 1: no he is fake gay, so he is with girls all the time.
by amliekxe August 5, 2010
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Fake Gay

fake gay:

1) a person who claims to be lesbian/gay but also openly admits to liking the opposite gender.

2) a person who was once an out l/g member but reverted to being in relations with the opposite gender.

3) a person who claims to be l/g but does not conform to l/g habits especially during intimate times
yo she’s fake gay, she was just with another dude last night.
by moneynessa January 26, 2020
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Fake Gay

Someone that pretends to be gay only to get close to girls or feel entitled.
Richard: fuck you won't do shit
Owen: Your only angry because you have no friends so you resort to pretending to be gay so you can get pussy. Fake gay ass deceptive motherfucker.
by FuckYall23 September 13, 2019
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Annoying fake gay

That one 15 year old tik tok girl that has to blurt out every 5 seconds that they are gay regardless if they actually are or not.

Probably someone who would make those horrible annonymous ace comics but with any other lgbtq orientation.

Mostly rare.

Actual lgbtq supporters and members hate these people.
Becky: UwU I am gay lol

Jacob: ok.

Becky: I hate homphobes WHY IS EVERYONE SO HOMOPHOBIC?!?!?!?

Jacob:I don't know.

Becky:So anyways i'm gay UwU I'm so quirky!!!

Jacob:I heard you the first time.

Becky:i am also trans


Becky:i'm gay UwU i'm gay UwU i'm gay UwU i'm gay UwU i'm gay UwU i'm gay UwU

Jacob:Ok i get it Becky.


Jacob: W h at.


Jacob: I don't even use twitter- Becky stop being such an Annoying and fake gay.


Becky is an Annoying fake gay bruh.
by KingMemeus April 4, 2022
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Fake and gay

Usually seen in comment sections of YouTube or Facebook videos. Many videos are faked in hopes of going viral. To call the video gay is not a literal sense of the word gay. In this situation, gay is being used to call something stupid. When combined together, "fake and gay" is not only calling the video stupid but also saying it is clearly fake to be share-bait.
Person 1: Woah! PrankInvasion is making out with his sister in his new video!
Person 2: Fake and gay
by DemZzz March 31, 2019
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Fake and Gay

A phrase often used by people commenting on YouTube videos
'I realise that some of the content of this video is not entirely real/true and I am not happy about it.'
Trollzor : FAKE AND GAY!

n00bz : @Trollzor i agree that this video has not got a

satisfactory amount of realism.

Trollzor : @n00bz ._.
by manicmonster14 January 19, 2012
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fake and gay

Something that is both fake and gay. Popularized by Break.com.
Dude, did you see that new video on break.com?

Yeah, it was FAKE and GAY!
by MonkSEALPup June 14, 2008
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