When one is corrected by a fact. Its the hip way of saying corrected. Or fact checked.
by 2500pickup April 19, 2022
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A word meaning that an article, or piece of information, has been verified by finding at least two different corroborating sources.
Please read this article; it’s been facted.
by WantaBronco July 15, 2020
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Steve- “My dick is bigger than yours”
Mike- “fuck i just got facted.”
by a fucking pickle May 11, 2019
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When people tweak facts with opinions.
You are fact-jerking again. "You think I want to mislead you into thinking that mother Earth has round curves, despite the flatness that you see, right?"
by ickylucre January 21, 2021
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100% True, don't even have to bother double checking.
"Shut up, Dan. If it is a Mark Fact, we do not need to fact check it.
by NotNotMark August 21, 2022
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When a man or women wishes to describe a statement as a fact
"My man cactus I love him that's a fact-us" Rapper chris "crispy" monk wishes to describe his love for a friend as a fact
by HorsesInTheBack July 18, 2019
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