Spawn of helicopters relates to gender neutral fluid that's being gargled by a disabled grandmother mermaid whore who also has a fetish for sausages of the richmond variety
I love a mouthful of slimy spawn of helicopters exhaust when I'm sooty & sweeping your dad
by Tumblingtumbleweeds November 9, 2019
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What a typical pussy beta bitch support gets in league of legends instead of the Alpha male big dick ignite using supports
Used to make a 20/0 zed player feel like hes 0/20.

*goes in, Gets instantly exhausted* (dies) *proceeds to flame, gets banned* commits.

Exhaust = free ebola
by Yeetus the feetus Deletus November 9, 2018
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This an act you do with your sexual partner with a vehicle, it's when your partner turns on a car, puts it in park and revs the engine as hard, whilst you insert your dick into the exhaust pipe and start fucking the car exhaust pipe while they are revving the engine causing your dick to burn
I heard Tyrone and baljiet did the exhaust piping!
by bigblackcockandballsinmynose December 30, 2020
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