Emma chamberlain

A basic try hard white girl. No sense of humor, annoying af, rude, liar, sociopath but her fans are too blind to see this. She's the annoying person in school that thinks they're better than everyone and that everybody likes them but in reality everyone wishes they would gtfo
Person1: Emma chamberlain is so overrated
Fan: no she is not! She is the best person ever and deserves the WORLD!!!
Person2: stfu you jake pauler
by Dolfvx October 11, 2018
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Emma Chamberlain

Emma Chamberlain is a crazy fracking girl who has almost 2 mil subs on YouTube. She’s LOVES iced almond milk lattes and drinks a insane amount of them. She loves her chambies (her fans) and has them follow her along while she goes thrifting and driving. No one is a thicky like emma.
Person: Emma Chamberlain is so annoying why do ppl watch her...
by Kyle Krosser June 18, 2018
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Emma Chamberlain

Some overrated girl who has hygiene worst than 7th graders. She made girls think they’re depressed and have a caffeine addiction. 11-17 year old girls thinks she’s relatable.
Emma Chamberlain: This is my third mental breakdown this week!
13-year-old: LOL RELATABLE
by cheesybroccoli March 30, 2019
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Emma Chamberlain

A teen you tuber who has millions of followers, loves coffee and is a TOTAL fashion icon. Has a ton of clothes and hangs with fellow youtubers The Dolan Twins and makeup artist James Charles. She is all of he teen gurls rage today and a TON of people stan her. SHE IS A TOTALL KWEEN.
Ellie: Wow did you see Emma Chamberlains new vid

Hannah: No, guessing it’s good

Ellie: Ya duh, it’s Emma Chamberlain!
by QUINNIE DANZ October 22, 2018
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Emma Chamberlain

A girl who got famous mostly from the Dolan twins and mostly from her personality thats super funny and gets dragged into drama a lot. She screw up sometimes and gets into scandals but ignores them
Person 1: omg do u like Emma chamberlain

Person 2: nooo
Person 1: omg ur just mad that ethan and emma are dating u fcking balloon with ur duck lookin self
by cutie danielle November 25, 2018
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Emma Chamberlain

The biggest shortest crackhead if all time and she runs on ALL caffeine.
Don: Omg is that Emma Chamberlain?
Taylor: No that can't be her. Plus she is way to normal to be Emma.
by Hayley the loser November 23, 2019
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Emma Chamberlain

a girl who is absolutely gorgeous, adorable and hilarious.
she’s also definitely dating Ethan Dolan. ethma
Omg it’s Emma Chamberlain my favorite YouTuber!
by ethma October 14, 2018
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