A person, usually female or very feminine male, with an extremely good taste in music. They are most often in a classification of "emo" as well, but this is not alway true
loser: did you see that emo girl walking down the hall?

Educated person: Oh, She wasnt emo, she was an, Elita
by howl's luver July 12, 2008
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elita one is female auto bot and has a relationship with optimus prime
elita one also has good skills on fighting
by heeeeel0 December 19, 2024
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A brave Cybertronian who began as a leader of the female part of Autobots, however more recently started being presented as second-in-command.

May or may not be Optimus Prime's sweetheart.
Adam: Ugh, they made Elita One a girlboss.
Eve: She always was.
by RosalineDolly December 22, 2024
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