Someone that is twice as dumb as a simple dumb person.
Jim was driving drunk, smoking a joint and texting when he got pulled over? What a double dipshit.
by stooper May 24, 2010
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Dipshit Asswipe Is primarily used as a n insult
"You're such a Dipshit Asswipe' sighed Billy
by CheezyPotatos September 24, 2017
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one kind of dipshitian is the royal advisor of!
Laila the royal advisor (and person who founded the country).
by Laila Venasacia January 10, 2005
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A person who follows the code of Dipshitery} (a set of rule defining what a royal dipshit is and how to be one) and is a complete dipshit in every way having completed the necessary training and have been inducted in the The Royal Dipshits
"you my friend have now been inducted into The Royal Dipshits and are now A Royal Dipshit"
by Dipshit #2 August 19, 2018
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A person who shows lack of respect and is never willing to do anything for other people.
Joe won't do anything for me let alone just pick up my stuff that he swatted on the ground he's a sassy dipshit.
by RaspberryBolt2435 March 22, 2017
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A person who always has something to say about anything and always wrong ,

A piece of shit who can't even enjoy a good meme without having to ruin it with his bitch comments ,

A snitch who always report your shit . Mostly found on Facebook.
Jim: This meme is offensive! I'll report it to admins

Admin : shut the fuck up you virtual dipshit
by Djesse April 12, 2020
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