100000% better than regular coke. No debate, that’s the truth. Used to say something is better than something else.
Person 1: Wow that’s so Diet Coke
Person 2: You’re right
by L30N0524 August 3, 2018
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A drink people say is healthy, but is slowly killing them.
Honey want some diet coke with your tumors?
by Guy who works at Denny's November 25, 2019
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The code word for playing poker. This word is used on high school golf trips, so that the coach doesn’t understand what you are trying to do.
Hey Colin, want some Diet Coke when we get back to the room.
by Ruthirsty June 26, 2022
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Dog shit mixed with water without sugar.
McDonalds employeet: fucking order
Fat man: i wanna have some diet coke
McDonalds employee: fuck you
by joe mama33 69 December 31, 2021
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Millennial: Hey dude I have a big exam tomorrow do you have Diet Coke?
Gen Z: Yeah bro I just got a new prescription.
by Xx_zer0c00l_xX January 19, 2020
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A drink marketed as a low-carb alternative to regular Coke. Works in so much that one or two sips of that glorified seltzer will actually dissuade you from finishing the whole can.
Diet Coke! Diet Coke! This is a sentence with Diet Coke in it!
by garcalej December 10, 2019
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