Someone who's evil and cruel but in a hilarious way, so you can't help but laugh and not be mad at them.
That child is so hilariously diabolical, I can't punish them.
by Yournansfavoratebush March 28, 2023
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when a person evaluates or looks into something too hard when in reality it is nothing. A person who puts their two cents in when it is unwanted. Unwanted analysis.
girl: "I'm over dickhead."
boy: "over him for now, or just for the moment. I think you just say that so the reality of the situation doesn't sink in and you have to......"
Girl: "Dude, don't diabolicalize the situation"
by Alice14 August 13, 2010
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a London based graffiti crew that have been vandalizing the city and trains for more than 30 years. its members consist of some of the most prolific writers in London history such as 10foot, fume and cosa.
Often refered to as dds or dubstars for short.
the diabolical dubstars are the most prolific crew in london
by LargePenis14 September 30, 2023
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Someone who hates to the sixth power.
I have a friend that is a diabolical hater of LeBron James' success.
by chubbyluv November 24, 2015
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El puto amo, tu ves a este por la calle y le gritas "Ven aqui que te hago un hijo". El solo vive en su cueva para no sacar a su yo mas malo a fuera, si no conquistaria el mundo
El diabol me da miedo porque es challenguer
by The Diabol May 29, 2017
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